A new world of Strawberry

Completely free
of insects
Throughout the year
a perfect taste experience
Surveyors and inspectors
grow in breeding complexes
Without material
pest control

Get to know TUT

Premium strawberries grown in closed and controlled growing facilities for a perfect taste experience throughout the year, without pesticides and without insects

Grows throughout the year

Grows regularly, without seasonal restrictions

Uncompromising quality

Growing in a completely controlled environment that provides strawberries with the optimal conditions throughout the entire growing cycle

The optimal growing
conditions & the quality control

Optimal growing conditions and strict quality control ensure strawberries are harvested at peak ripeness, delivering high nutritional value and an extended shelf life.

Where technology & nature come together

Our innovative growing method, powered by precision agriculture and advanced technology, produces premium-quality strawberries while benefiting the environment. By saving irrigation water and significantly reducing the required growing space, we offer a more sustainable alternative to traditional strawberry farming.

Offer your customers a unique and high-quality product

TUT is sold in a unique package that preserves the shelf life of the strawberries and gives each of the fruits its own place.

Don't miss the opportunity to be part of the TUT revolution of Israel.
To contact, schedule a meeting and order products:
Nadav Hatte

This is the end of strawberries that you can't see at the bottom of the box, or strawberries that have lost their umbrellas.

Nice to meet you Vertical Field

In the company's research and development center in Ra'anana, the company's flagship project in Israel is being established - a closed and controlled cultivation complex for growing strawberries throughout the year - without the use of pesticides, without insects and at a very high level of sterility and cleanliness.

The project is established and carried out by BioPharmax, the leading company in the development and construction of clean rooms using advanced air filtration and purification technologies.